
How many tasks can I run?

  • Polar is designed to run as efficiently as possible, using as little resources as possible. The number of tasks that can be run vary from device to device. Some users report being able to run 60-70 tasks and others circa 30. We recommend running 25 tasks but experiment with user device to find an optimial setup.
  • Avoid running excessive test tasks on sites like Mesh that block aggressively instead opt for a lower protection site like SVD
  • All polar sites should run at the same capacity so testing across sites should not impact performance.


What keywords should I run?

  • Run keywords for products you would like, do not run SKU's or PID's.
  • E.g +nike, +jordan, +adidas, +yeezy

Quick Task

My group doesn't have Polar QT's, what can I do?

You can contact your group and ask them to use this documentation to integrate into their monitors.

I pressed the QT link but it doesn't open the app?

You need to enable Safari as the default browser for the disord, this can be done by:

  1. Open the Discord mobile app
  2. Press the accounts tab (Your profile picture)
  3. Scroll down to the "App Settings Tab", then press "Web Browser" and change to "Safari"